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Earth Day Clean Up in Camden

Camden Lutheran Housing Camden Clean Up Ron Jaworski's Foundation

Ron Jaworski‘s Foundation, Jaws Youth Playbook, believes we have to invest in our planet the same as we invest in our local youth!

The Block Supporter Initiative is a community-based program that creates shared pride, respect, and responsibility in Camden neighborhoods while transforming “blight into bright! Block Supporters keep the front, and back of their properties clean, beautify the front of their homes, help care for vacant lots, and participate in community meetings. This program was founded by Camden resident Benigno Rodriguez in 2004 and has been in North Camden since 2015, engaging hundreds of Block Supporters annually while providing stepping-stone jobs for residents. (Source:

JYP donated $5,000 to Camden Lutheran Housing Block Supporter Initiative to help revamp Esperanza Community Garden which provides access to fresh fruits and delicious vegetables like Tomatoes, Carrots, Lettuce, Kale, Peas, Cabbage, Zucchini, and Cucumber. Along with our charitable donation, we celebrated Earth Day by cleaning up the community of North Camden and supplying them with the necessary tools to keep their community clean.

Our foundation believes in community gardens through providing nutritious food for communities like Camden
Executive Director